I've already had a blog topic this morning. It's something random. I was reminded of something very sweet this morning. I was reading a blog and there was a picture of a husband and wife with a caption that read " My Beloved is mine and I am his." And this reminded me of a sweet story from a few years ago. We were all out at Salsas for a birthday party and the table behind us was having a party as well. Soon we heard a commotion coming from their table as they were getting ready to leave. An older lady had lost her ring. She was flinging her hands around and it had flown off. Soon the whole back section of the restaurant was on its hands and knees looking for this ring for her. She was getting rather frantic and no one was having any luck. We were picking up chairs and searching under the booths. We had all just about given up and she was so upset.

Finally she put on her coat and there in the seam of the coat was her ring. She was ecstatic. She came over to thank us for helping and to show us the ring. She said I got this 50 years ago in Israel. It was a simple gold band ring that was inscribed. "I am my beloved and he is mine" in Hebrew. She said her husband had a matching one and they had always worn them. A friend sitting next to me said "See that gives me hope" and then whispered, "that's why I love old people" :).
So seeing that quote this morning reminded me of that story. We don't know how long we have with our loved ones. This woman had had a very long time. I've had nearly 10 years. My parents, over 30. But it could end today, tomorrow, in 50 years. I don't know. But, I plan on trying to show my love to my loved ones more everyday. So I'm thankful for the reminder of that story this morning.
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